What's The Turban For?

Summer 2022 - Chloe

Episode 1
(ext: Event locale marketplace)

Akira: Hello, Chloe. Are you doing a bit of shopping?

Chloe: Oh, master sage! I just bought this turban and flute as a set.

Akira: A turban and a flute...? That's kind of an odd combination, don't you think?

Chloe: You'd think so, but there's actually something really interesting you can do with it! Here, watch this.

Akira: Whoa, that's amazing! As soon as you started playing, the fabric lifted up and started reaching for the sky!

Akira: ... ah, but it stopped just as quickly as it started.

Chloe: Isn't it interesting? When the guy who sold it to me was playing it, it moved a lot more. It was really something to see...

Chloe: Alirght, I'll give it another shot. ... huh!?

Akira: Chloe, are you alright!? All of a sudden the fabric was wrapping around your arm--!

Chloe: I'm a bit startled, but I'm alright. I'm sorry for worrying you, master sage.

Chloe: But it almost feels like the turban is trying to get me to move my fingers...

Akira: It really is... it looks like it's trying to press your fingers against the holes of the flute.

Akira: Maybe it's trying to teach you how to play, Chloe?

Chloe: Is it really!? I guess I can try playing it the turban's way.

Akira: Whoa, it already sounds way better! It looks like the fabric's moving a lot more energetically now.

Chloe: Cool, it really was trying to teach me!

Chloe: Well, I guess I should thank you, turban! I'll do my best so you can dance even more in the future.

Chloe: Master sage, when I've gotten a little better, would you mind if I played for you again?

Akira: Of course! I'll look forward to seeing you and the turban's duet!
