Dance of the Shining Stars on the Shore of Memory

Chapter 7

Fran: You don’t have to apologize for that. Because of what you said just now, Chloe, I think I understand a little better why I’m so sad. Thank you, Chloe. You were able to put it into words when I couldn’t. … and, Rustica, too, thank you for your words of encouragement. You’re helping me remember that Layla didn’t forget me because she wanted to forget me. If I was alone, I would just spiral miserably, wondering why she had decided to forget about me… I might even have thought that Layla hated me.

Akira: Fran-san…

Akira: (But even so, if this is how it ends, then Fran-san…)

Maybe it was a little bit selfish to think this way, but I didn’t want it to just end like this. Time passed without my being able to express that in words. In that sunset-dyed room, the one who was the first to speak was…

Mithra: … so, anyway, it sounds like that town is going to be holding a festival soon.

Mithra’s voice had a sort of faint, languid sweetness.

Akira: A festival…? Even if that’s the case, then what…?

Mithra: What was it. The Star Dance festival or something like that. I got invited to take part in it because I’m sexy.

Akira: Um… I’m happy for you…?

Mithra looked at me with a self-satisfied smile, like he was waiting to be praised.

Fran: … that’s the festival that the town holds every year. But even so, what good would going do…?

Cain: Even if there’s not a point in going, it can’t hurt, right? At least, I think so, anyway. I wouldn’t want to just end our time here with everyone looking so gloomy. I can’t say for sure that Layla will remember you, but if you’ve got any ideas, Fran… then I’m willing to help.

Heathcliff: That’s right. You worked so hard to raise the White Bridesveils, after all…

Fran: Didn’t you hear what that person said, though? Layla forgets a lot of things. She’s already totally forgotten about wanting to see the White Bridesveils…

Chloe: … I wonder if she has…

Fran: Huh…?

Chloe: Layla said that she had spent every night of the festival alone by the riverside. If she didn’t want to go to the festival at all, she could have just stayed at home. But she went to wait by the river… the place that maybe she met Fran. So…

Arthur: …! You mean to say that maybe Layla remembers waiting for Fran?

Chloe: Yeah. It might just be wishful thinking, but… even if she doesn’t know his name, and even if she doesn’t recognize his face, I’m sure that Fran is still somewhere in Layla’s heart. If there’s something that Layla is waiting for every year on the riverbank… then maybe the White Bridesveils might be the key that unlocks her memory of Fran.

Fran: Chloe…

Chloe: Ah… but, White Bridesveils are rare, so it might be a bit of a problem if a bunch of people saw so many of them in one place? Even if the riverbank isn’t crowded on the day of the festival, they’re probably going to stand out if they’re shining in the dark…

Mitile: … so then why don’t all of us here put on a show instead? That’s what the organizer said, he said that at the festival people will put on impromptu shows and draw in huge crowds. If we put on a real show to capture everyone’s attention, then maybe Fran will be able to show the White Bridesveils just to Layla…

Arthur: In other words, we’re going to be decoys to keep people’s attention away from the riverbank?

Cain: We’ll cause a diversion! We’re wizards, after all, I’m sure we can put on a real flashy show that’ll capture everyone’s attention!

Akira: Right! That’s a great idea, Mitile!


Akira: … Mitile?

Mitile: It’s just… maybe we shouldn’t use magic? Or, if we do, we should use it in a way that doesn’t make it obvious that it’s magic… using really attention-grabbing magic in the middle of a city might cause people to get suspicious or hostile… I remember something like that happening a while ago because people got scared…

Heathcliff and Akira:

Heartless people hurling abuse at them just because they were wizards… I remember being told about such awful memories, and my heart panged in my chest with a great pain.

Mitile: … ah, but, I really do want to do something to help Fran-san out, so—

Bradley: Don’t puss out halfway through.

Mitile: Huh--!?

Mitile’s voice trembled slightly as Bradley’s large hand casually settled atop his head.

Bradley: No point making a plan if you’re just gonna get cold feet about it. You don’t come across a problem and then just throw your hands up about it; you find a way to fix the problem. Our westerners oughta know the best way to handle western people, right? So? What do you think, Western Pipsqueak?

Chloe: ---! Yeah! I think Mitile’s idea is really good! People in the west have magical technology, so they feel like they can basically do magic themselves, so they’re not really afraid of wizards. We might get a few side-eyes, but they’re not going to run away screaming. As long as we can keep it flashy and fun then I think it’ll work!

Mitile: Chloe-san…

Bradley: Hold up, back up a sec, that’s a whole ‘nother story. What’s this about scaring them? I wanna scare them shitless and put ‘em in their place.

Akira: Maybe another time…

Bradley looked somewhat disappointed, but Mitile standing beside him began to look a little less nervous. Seeing that, I got a little more relaxed, myself.

Cain: So now that we’ve got a plan of action, let’s start making preparations!

Arthur: Right! I’ll see if I can reschedule some of my official duties so I can help out as well.

Heathcliff: I’m a little nervous about making a spectacle of myself in public… but I want to help out as well.

Akira: Alright, we’re all in it together!

Fran: Everyone… thank you so much…!

Then, Rustica – who had been quiet for quite some time – smiled, but his expression was a little bit stiff and forced.

Rustica: Chloe. May I help as well?

Chloe: Rustica… yeah, of course! Let’s work hard together so Fran can share the White Bridesveils with Layla!

Rustica: …! Indeed.

The two of them were laughing with their usual bright voices; yet it felt like there was a razor-thin yet impenetrable glass wall between them, separating them.

Akira: (I hope the two of you will be alright…)


[int: Manor hallway]

That night, we returned to the manor. I headed towards Chloe’s room.

Akira: Chloe? Can I come in?


[int: Chloe’s room]

Chloe: Ah, Master Sage! Is something the matter?

Akira: I made some tea, and I was wondering if you might want some. I also have some sweets that I bought at the market in Central. You haven’t left your room since we got back, so I was a little bit worried…

Chloe: Ah, thank you! I was just thinking of taking a break, anyway. Please, come on in.

Akira: I’m glad to hear that. Thank you for welcoming me.

Once I was inside Chloe’s room, I saw scraps of paper from sketchbooks covered with drawings of new designs.

Akira: Whoa… there are so many design drawings… you’re making costumes for the Star Dance Festival?

Chloe: Yeah! I want to make a costume that really stands out even at night, so I keep coming up with new ideas for things I want to do with them.

Akira: You’ve got such an eye for detail that I have no doubt they’ll turn out amazing! I’m really looking forward to seeing what kind of outfits you come up with. … but, aren’t you a little bit tired from working so hard?

Chloe: Nope, I’m not tired at all! I guess I just really want to make really good costumes, since we’re doing this for Fran…

He was acting as though everything was alright, but perhaps because he was remembering today, Chloe had a bit of a far-off look in his eyes.

Chloe: … I realize I’m being a little bit selfish here, and that I’m kind of projecting my own feelings onto Fran, though. When I saw Fran get so sad about Layla, I just couldn’t help but…

Akira: Chloe…

Once he said that, Chloe lowered his eyes, as though he couldn’t stand to look up any longer. His downturned eyelashes cast sorrowful shadows across his violet eyes that usually shone so bright.

Chloe: It’s just, Rustica is… he’s so kind, but he also forgets a lot, you know? Seeing a meteor shower together, and the delicious meals we’ve shared, and seeing the same play together and being so moved by it… Rustica forgets so many of the memories that are so precious to me. But… I’ve always known there was nothing I could do about it. Rustica has lived so much longer than I have. And, he has his entire past from before he met me, that I know so little about… … but deep down in my heart, I just… really want him not to forget the memories he makes with me.

Chloe covered his face with a slightly trembling hand, as though trying to cover up his selfish wish. Behind the gap in his fingers, Chloe’s eyes flicked back and forth, reflecting the movements of a heart with nowhere left to turn.

Choe: But I know I’m being selfish. Rustica’s heart is his own, after all. I feel like I’m trying to force my will on him, like I’m trying to change what makes him Rustica…

Akira: (… ah, why…)

I want my loved ones to remember me, and I want to remember them in turn. Why is it so difficult for such an earnest wish to come true?

Akira: (I’m sure, when I go back to my home world, everyone is going to forget about me. It’s lonely and it’s sad… but I don’t think there’s anything to be done about it.)

Because there’s nobody you can blame, it feels like there’s nowhere for that pain to go. My chest tightened with a helpless ache as I watched Chloe exhale a shuddering breath.

Akira: Chloe—

Right as I was reaching out to place a hand on Chloe’s trembling shoulder, a large door suddenly appeared in the room.

Mithra: Ah, Master Sage, here you are.

Akira: H—Mithra!?

Mithra: I can’t sleep, so please accompany me. I need your hand.

Akira: I’m sorry… but, I’m kind of talking about something important with Chloe…

Mithra: Hah? What could be more important than the fact that I’m tired?

Chloe: … ah— hold on just a minute, Mithra!

Chloe’s timid voice managed to stop Mithra from whisking me away without further argument.


Chloe: I—I’m sorry, I know you’re tired. But, um… you’ve lived a lot longer than I have, so there’s something I want to ask you.

Mithra: …? Hah…

Chloe:… Mithra, what would you think if someone really important to you forgot their precious memories?

Mithra: What would I… I don’t think I’d particularly care. When you live for a really long time, you more or less forget a lot of stuff that doesn’t matter.

Chloe: S-stuff that doesn’t matter…

Mithra: If you forget it, you forget it. If you remember it, you remember it. That’s all there is to it.

Chloe: … I see… … yeah, after all, I guess that’s normal for long-lived wizards, isn’t it…

Mithra: … Rutile made that same expression, too. But he was a lot louder about it.

Chloe: Huh? Rutile was…?

Mithra: Yes. And he chewed me out for being a fucking idiot. Those are his words, not mine.

Chloe: H-huh? I can’t imagine Rutile getting that mad…

Mithra: He said something about how it’d make him angry and sad, so it’s not good to just forget everything. So I said to him, “fine, I’ll remember things, then”. … I think. I don’t really recall.

Mithra’s languid answer was almost comically straightforward and simple. But possibly for its simplicity, it had a strength to it that was like being pushed forward by a strong hand.

Chloe: Getting… angry… or sad… b-but wouldn’t doing that make the other person upset?

Mithra: Well, I don’t like it… or, rather, it’s a real pain.


Mithra: But what are you holding back for?

Chloe: … huh…?

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