Translation by Jakkal (@glitchgoats).

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To Toi: I was at a total loss as to what to get Toi for his birthday, but he said he just wanted a sample copy of a magazine that I was in recently... is that really enough?
To Ryui: When I went to wish Ryui a happy birthday, he said that it was Toi's birthday, so I should be celebrating him instead... huh? It IS Ryui's birthday too, right?

To Toi: I wasn't sure if it would be a good idea to have a joint birthday party for Ryui and Toi's birthdays... but it turns out they'd be happier if we celebrated them together.
To Ryui: No matter what he says, Ryui's been accepting the presents that everyone's been giving him, too. It's like Toi said; he seems really happy.

To Toi: On his birthday, Toi seems doubly happy because he gets to celebrate both his own birthday and his beloved big brother's at the same time. What a deal.
To Ryui: As far as Ryui is concerned, it seems like his birthday is just an excuse to celebrate Toi's birthday. I wonder how long that'll last. Or is that none of my business?

To Toi: When I asked Toi if he had any special requests, he just said that anything Ryui liked would be good. It's cute for a little brother to care so much about his big brother. ... something sweet should go over well.
To Ryui: When I asked Ryui if he had any special requests, he said I should just make whatever Toi wanted. It's cute for a big brother to care so much about his little brother. ... I'll make something for both of them.

To Toi: It's the Shiramitsu brothers' birthday, yes? When I asked whether he wanted anything, the younger one said that he was almost out of tinsel for making uchiwa... what on earth is he talking about.
To Ryui: Its the Shiramitsu Brothers' birthday. For the older brother, I procured tickets to a martial arts match that he's been wanting to go to. I'll be going with him.

To Toi: Toi-san said, "call me bossman just for today", but I can only have one bossman... I wonder what I oughta call him instead?
To Ryui: Whooo! It's Bossman's birthday! I've been so amped for this~! Happy birthday, Bossman!

To Toi: Toi-kun... likes it when he and Ryui-kun are matching. So for their birthday... I drew... portraits of them... with matching designs.
To Ryui: For Ryui-kun's birthday... I drew a portrait... he gave me a compliment and said that I'd gotten better at drawing... I feel like I... was the one who was given a present...

To Toi: Toi-san and Ryui-san both care a lot about each other... so they're happy to celebrate their birthday together... I see...
To Ryui: The way Ryui-san looks at Toi-san when he's happy is so nice. I totally get why Toi's got such major heart eyes for him.

To Toi: Toi-san and Ryui-san did most of the preparations for their birthday by themselves. We helped out as well where we could.
To Ryui: Ryui-san acts as though he isn't interested in it, but as we kept talking, I decided to gift him some railway merchandise. I hope I'm not misreading the situation...

To Toi: When I asked if he had any requests for his birthday, Toi said that anything sweet would be fine, so I've got free reign to make whatever I want.
To Ryui: I was thinking I might sue Ryui-san if he looked like he hated the birthday desert I made for him... but that's not a fight I'm gonna win.

To Toi: Haha, it looks like Ryui took the reins in preparing the decorations for Toi's birthday. You can really tell he spared no expense on the details.
To Ryui: It seems like Toi was in charge of the decorations for Ryui's birthday. Something called an "altar"? It was amazing, there were so many pictures of Ryui's face...

To Toi: Today is Toi-sama's birthday. All matters regarding the production of the celebration are being handled by Ryui-sama.
To Ryui: Today is Ryui-sama's birthday. I assisted with the construction of the birthday altar with Toi-sama's supervision.

To Toi: Today's To-nya's birthday~! We snagged some photos together, but is that enough~? Chii's thinking that we could stand to celebrate a bit more!
To Ryui: It's Ryu-nya's birthday! He seemed jealous when To-nya and I were taking pictures together, so I took a picture together with Ryu-nya too ☆

To Toi: It's Toi-san's birthday, yeah? I was manning the camera for the pictures he got with Chihiro... Toi had the jitters so bad that just watching him made me a bit nervous, too.
To Ryui: For Ryui-san's birthday, I gave him a new fighting game as a present. He acted kind of prickly about it, though... maybe that's just the way he acts when he likes something.

To Toi: It's the twin's birthday? ... Toi has spent more than enough time with nyuszi. I believe it is my turn now.
To Ryui: It's the twins' birthday. Ryui is always very harsh towards me... so I suppose I'll just keep my distance today.

To Toi: It's Toi's birthday. He said that the ribbon I have at the store is cute, so I tried making a ribbon corsage out of it for a bouquet.
To Ryui: It's Ryui's birthday. I gave him some recommendations out of the tools that I use to fix my motorcycle. They're really useful, and you could use them to maintain a hoverboard, too.

Self (Morning): On my birthday, I can always feel so deeply that I was born together with Ani-sama. It makes me so happy.
Self (Evening): Everyone celebrated so much with me, I'm so happy I could cry...! I'm sure Ani-sama feels the same way.
To Ryui: Ani-sama, you're the greatest Ani-sama in the entire world. Thank you so much for being born. I hope you'll always be by my side.

To Toi: Toi, the reason there's any meaning in this world is because you were born into it... happy birthday.
Self (Morning): Today's Toi's birthday, so you'd better go wish him a happy birthday if you know what's good for you. ... me? Ah, yeah, it's my birthay too, I guess.
Self (Evening): Agh... I keep saying to just go celebrate Toi's birthday, but these bastards won't leave me alone...

To Toi: It's my boys' birthday. It would seem that Toi worked very hard on making an altar to Ryui. I suppose that's what you'd call impressive dedication.
To Ryui: It's my boys' birthday. Ryui doesn't seem to want to be outdone by Toi when it comes to decorations. It's become quite the lively venue for a party.

To Toi: It's Toi's birthday! I've created special "Glasses That Really Make You See a Shower of Petals When You Look at a Handsome Guy"! Be careful about not wearing 'em too long or you might go blind!
To Ryui: For Ryui's birthday, I've made "A Mirror That Makes You Look 10cm Taller When You Look In It"! A device that actually makes you taller in real life would be super unsafe~!

To Toi: It's Toi's birthday, huh? Well, seems like he's slowly startin' to come out of his shell, inne? Good for him.
To Ryui: It's Ryui's birthday, huh? He certainly puts on a certain affect when he's the one being celebrated, don't he? He sure ain't an honest one.

Jakkal's 18Trip Translation Index